The Dragons are proud to this year be celebrating the 10th year of health and wellbeing program The Best You Can Be.
With our players and schools behind it, we are confident that 2024 can be the best year yet.
We are aware of how sport can be effective in achieving social change, especially in youth.
The program aims to assist teachers in encouraging children to make positive health choices each and every day.
In 2023, 97 schools across NSW and Queensland participated in the program.
73 schools were from our catchment from Arncliffe in the north to Delegate in the south.
Players and staff also delivered the program digitally to 24 rural and remote schools.

Included in the program is a 24-page resource that focuses on topics such as the importance of being active, resilience, being mindful, the importance of sleep, screen time management, hydration and nutrition which is coupled with face-to-face or virtual visits with participating schools.
Our players understand that they are in a unique position whereby they can promote and encourage the physical, cultural, and intellectual welfare of young people in our community.
In 2023, 24 of the 97 schools involved in the program had their costs covered by NRL players which ensured that more kids had the opportunity to be the best they can be.
Currently, the Dragons Community team are out delivering the program to local schools in the region.
If your school would like to be a part of the program in 2024 or find out more information, click here and fill out the form.