The St George Illawarra Dragons are offering all Red V Members the chance to win a unique match day experience!
All Red V Members need to do is share a photo and quote with the Dragons…it’s that simple.
The Dragons are making their home games at ANZ Stadium, Olympic Park feel more like home games and are producing two special Member Banners that will be filed with photos and quotes to give the venue that ‘Dragons feel’.
To enter, Red V Members simply need to share a photo on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram of Red V Members showing us their Dragons game face and accompany that photo with a quote telling us in 25 words or less why they support the Dragons.
Red V Members need to make sure that they tag us in the photo, or use the hashtag #REDVPROMO so that we can find your entry!
More information on how to enter can be found at the bottom of the page, which explains exactly how to enter via social media.
By sharing their photos and quotes with the Dragons, Red V Members will go into the draw to win a very special Dragons Match Day experience.
The Red V Member who supplies the best image and quote will be given the special privilege of delivering the match ball and tossing the coin at a Dragons home match.
But everyone is a winner because just by entering you will be able to see your photo and/or quote on the ANZ Stadium Member Banners.
Entries close 12.00pm Wednesday, March 11 2015.
Facebook (www.facebook.com/StGeorge.Illawarra.Dragons): Post a photo to your timeline and in the comment space write your quote in 25 words or less. You MUST tag ‘St George-Illawarra Dragons’ in the comment space along with your quote.
Twitter (@NRL_Dragons): Tweet your photo and in the remaining characters send us your quote. You MUST use the hashtag #REDVPROMO in your tweet.
Instagram (@stgidragons): Instagram your photo and in the comment space write your quote in 25 words or less